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No single metric is a good indicator, you have to evaluate your blog’s performance from multiple dimensions taking into consideration context and trends. 

FAQ – start in 5 min with CyTRAP BlogRank (you are here)

Step 1: Sign up  (learn how it works) actual sign-up is here
Step 2: Add blogs you want tracked
CyTRAP BlogRank – FAQ 

Being in the mountains has one advantage for our customers, we focus on the basics to help you succeed faster.

Gurin - recharge your batteries - find your way - stay calm and collected - avoid hype

The easiest way is to go to BlogRank.CyTRAP.eu and enter a URL in this field

enter your blog's URL and start comparing

By providing the URL we can then collect some of the information we do to calculate ONE of our composite indices, the CyTRAP BlogRank.

Right off the bat we will be able to show you the Google PageRank just for comparative purposes. However, then it will take us several days to collect all your blog’s information over a period of several years. Incidentally, the CyTRAP BlogRank has changed over the years in part, because certain measures that we used at the beginning do no longer exist (e.g., Technorati nixes blog rankings)


Brendan Cooper, your Friendly Digital Social Media PR, ummm, Thingy

To gain a better insight on how well your blog is doing, however, you need to:

a) compare yourself against a blog that is similar (e.g., compare a strategy blog to a strategy blog, apples to apples and so forth), and
b) these numbers are most interesting when being compared quarter to quarter, year with year (i.e. what changed and why over time)

By putting numbers in the right context and watching the trends, BlogRank.CyTRAP.eu provides you with the information you need to benchmark your blogging efforts and gaining insights that help you improve your rankings.

Take the next five minutes and follow these four easy steps to start comparing and ranking your performance:

FAQ – start in 5 min with CyTRAP BlogRank (you are here)

Step 1: Sign up  (learn how it works) actual sign-up is here
Step 2: Add blogs you want tracked
CyTRAP BlogRank – FAQ