3 – Pricing

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PremiumBusinessBasecampFreemium with different pricing (you are here)

Sign-up to benchmark your blog, website, podcasts – find out how good you are:

We want to do this right. So we strive hard to save you time and and money by offering you four different service plans.

ComMetrics tools help you tame the beast that is web data collection and create effective business intelligence (benchmarks and metrics) to meet your social media analytics needs, helping you demonstrate effective performance. Below we outline our varying subscription levels and their differences in a simple at-a-glance overview.

Service and pricing structure
Image - price comparisons - what you get for MyComMetrics

Please note
1. Basecamp is especially valuable to bloggers working within a small corporate structure. You must register and claim a blog to activate your subscription.
2. Comparisons are made to blogs in our existing database. Once you have claimed your blog(s) you can choose which blogs to compare yourself against.
3. If you would like to compare against a blog that is not in our database, you can enter the information yourself and we will collect the data for you within 96 hours, unless the information given is incorrect or the information sought is unavailable… If you do not have blogs to add to the database, you may choose that number from our database, in addition to those already chosen.
4. You can benchmark yourself against these top 10 blogs in each category for comparison and learn from the best. A blog with unrelated content may still have something to teach you about blogging effectively.

Don’t know where to start? Pick any plan — you can upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Don’t wait! We offer new clients a FREE 90-day trial of the Basecamp subscription. Sign up right now – it only takes a little time to see how much your efforts are paying off.

Article source: HowTo.ComMetrics – prices for freemium, basecamp, business and premium services