CyTRAP BlogRank: Top 100 legal blogs

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2014/02/19 · 1 comment 8,312 views

in best in class,CyTRAP BlogRank

Picture by Armin Zogbaum - read article

We address two issues for legal blogs:

  • Writing for the iPad judge.
  • How can lawyers master this challenge?

Keywords: benchmark, best blog, Court of Justice of the European Union, Supreme Court, engage your audience,  rating, metrics, social media, CyTRAP BlogRank,

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Writing a brief for the iPad judge

Recently I came across a news entry on the Columbia Business Law Review, which states that:

“…a large and growing percentage of briefs are read on iPads.”

The authors also suggest that before writing a brief, it is advisable for lawyers to carefully consider the following:

“The rules of typography are simply different for a screen than for print.”

The entry suggests that if things are read online or on a screen, footnotes should be avoided. As well, fonts designed for screen reading are different from those designed for press printing. Only a select few, such as Arial, can be used for both print and screen.

Interesting reading: Writing for the iPad judge, How U.S. 5th Circuit judges read briefs

Legal blogs: Do they pass the iPad test?

So how well do lawyers do when writing online?

As the list below shows, some have been doing it for years, and no blogs from either the UK or Canada appear in the top 10.

CyTRAP BlogRank
click column headers
to get more info
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010  3 year
 4 year
1 7 14 7 5 3 3  info Germany
2 4 5 5 2 1 2  info United States
3 9 60 23 42  info Germany
4 24 6 49 23 10 24  info United States
5 35 49 55  info Germany
6 81 76 77  info United States
7 1 34 21 39 7 10  info United States
8 21 12 9 47 14 11  info United States
9 15 7 4 3 9 6  info United States
10 6 8 3 33 6 4  info Germany

Of note is the fact that the above rankings include more than just US blogs. [CLICK to continue…]

Picture by Armin Zogbaum - read article

We address two lessons for National Football League (NFL) teams:

  • What mistake should an NFL blog avoid?
  • How can engagement be improved?

Keywords: best blog, NFL, football, Super Bowl, engage your audience, social media, benchmark, rating, metrics

Want to know who is #1?

Do what thousands of our readers do ==>  Sign up for our newsletter – get the latest ratings and rankings FIRST.

The more things change…

When I discussed the rankings last December with a football aficionado, his comment was that the NFL blogging scene had experienced some radical changes. At first I wanted to agree with him, but then I was overcome by a haunting sense of deja vu.

It is hard to think the last three years have not changed a lot, what with constant the rise and fall of new platforms or social network system(s) (SNS). But in reality, what really has changed?

As the world’s top NFL team and fan blogs continue to prosper, others face a perennial struggle for survival. Blogs outside the top echelons ignore the importance of knowledge transfer (e.g., building links to other material about the topic that is available elsewhere on the web). Others seem to be severely challenged when it comes to engaging with their readers. Some do not even allow commenting, instead using blogs as a broadcasting tool, a very outdated, Web 1.0 concept (see 3 golden rules for social marketing).

Image - Just getting ready to throw the first touchdown - Aaron Rodgers - Super Bowl XLV was played in Arlington, Texas and won by the Green Bay Packers.

Where are the Seattle Seahawks?

Big names dominate the top slots. Of course, one would expect Super Bowl contestants to be in the top 10, just like in 2013. However this year’s competitors leave me wondering, will Super Bowl XLVIII make it there?

The Seahawks Blog has been inactive since July 15, 2013, and the Denver Broncos are doing a bit better. Sports fans tend to be very interested in articles about how the team is getting ready for the Super Bowl, and what interests us, we share. In other words, sports fans love to share opinions and information with others about their favourite team.

This is especially true when the Super Bowl is just around the corner. And while blogs are engineered to support these natural inclinations, even looking high and low will not reveal a Share button on the Denver Broncos’ blog. When people read something they care about, such as a video that helps kids solve tough algebra problems or how the Denver Broncos travelled to New Jersey for Sunday’s Super Bowl, they want to be able to hit the Share button to let their friends know.

Four-year trend – Big names missing at the top [CLICK to continue…]

CyTRAP BlogRank: 2013 in numbers

by Urs E. Gattiker January 1, 2014 Uncategorized

The year in statistics. BlogRank numbers that defined the past 12 months from business, politics, sport and culture blogs.

3 comments Read the full article →

CyTRAP BlogRank: Robots.txt

by Urs E. Gattiker November 10, 2013 making it work for you

We explain what you need to do to assure that the CyTRAP bot can scan and index your blog.

0 comments Read the full article →