Step 1: Sign up

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Please sign up , it is fast, easy and most importantly, empowers you to evaluate your social media activities

Register yourself now – it is free.

Written explanations about the sign-up process can be found further below. If you prefer, however, here is a five minute video that also explains this vital step you should take to blog more effectiveley:

Benefit from our tool as some of your competitors have already done.
A short instructional video on how the sign-up works is shown here.
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please provide this info so we can help you track your blog

Why not register yourself now

Below are the instructions in writing:

Username: Please provide a username that is at least 8 characters and includes special characters, such as: 19Bosco-Gurin98

Password: Follow the same logic as above, you know the drill – we have a very strict privacy policy.

Email: Provide us with an email so we can confirm your subscription. We will also use this email to send you alerts that you can set up (alerts pertaining to recorded changes or other people’s tracking of your blog are sent sporadically).

First name and Last name: This information is so we know who you are and is naturally kept confidential.

Once you have registered you will get a confirmation email asking you to click on a hyperlink to confirm your registration and email address.

Thereafter you can start entering information you need to benchmark the social media activities you are interested in (e.g., three blogs and one webpage). We will then begin to track the URLs you have given us and rank them to provide you with data regarding performance over a period of time.

Watch the slides here:

The easiest way to see how it works is to check it out:  after very little work you quickly get a lot of information to work with.

By signing up you will be asked to agree to some things: policies (copyright, terms and conditions, terms and privacy). If you have special needs, please contact CyTRAP Labs.

Discover CyTRAP BlogRank: it takes less than 5 minutes to start getting results that make you more effective while saving time and money.

FAQ – start in 5 min with CyTRAP BlogRank

Step 1: Sign up   (you are here -how it works) actual sign-up is here
Step 2: Add blogs you want tracked
CyTRAP BlogRank – FAQ