Google Analytics

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This section is part of our FAQs and  addresses how supplements your work with Google Analytics (you are here).

A friend recently asked me:

“Look, I am tracking it on Google Analytics. Will it make a big difference if I’ll start tracking it on your site? If yes, what?”

Google defines its tool as follows: “Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience.”

Article source: Google Analytics allows you to assess your blogging performance by outlining how to boost your:

engagement with your readers,
conversation levels,
resonance with your target audience (e.g., clients, prospects),
writing style,
– number of sales leads,
Google PageRank, Twitter Ripple, and
influence with your blog.

In short, the ComMetrics Footprint tracks your blog’s performance and compares it to the scores achieved by your competitors.

In addition, it tells you with a timeline (e.g., comparing 2011 with 2012) how your Footprint changed  and where your performance is below par when comparing it to industry benchmarks.

Most importantly,  the ComMetrics Footprint provides you with a concise list of changes you can implement to improve your blog’s performance (e.g., which low hanging fruit can I change easily to improve the quickest?).

Willing to try? Sign up right here – – more infos here.

Relevant blog metrics for diary, personal and business blogs.
Please subscribe now and use what famous brands (e.g., FT, KitKat, etc.) already do.
Claim your personal and/or corporate blog AND trace those that you want to compare yourself to.