top blog rankings: how it can be done

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2008/04/11 · 1 comment 4,128 views

in best in class

    not every CEO wants to blog – but some do better than others

My view on most blog rankings is quite simple: I think they’re trying to compare and rank things you cannot really compare and rank.

Many depend on the number of links in Technorati or the number of visitors. There are numerous variations of these and we have tried to outline this here:

Popularity – who is the favorite to win

Unfortunately, this starts on the premise that blogs target the same audience and provide the same type of information. We have pointed out elsewhere that the key is to identify your audience and the niche for your blog or the content you wish to put up on a website.

We can compare apples with apples but should refrain from comparing oranges and apples.

So if we cannot just compare blogs or website since they are not the same, what is the second best thing to do?

Well one can go ahead and compare sports cars with sports cars, pickup trucks with pickup trucks and trying to rank them in order to find out which one might be the best. That still does not address if we are trying to find the most economical, nice looking or greatest workhorse amongst the trucks chosen.

This is one reason why we are trying to rank the CEO blogs according to industry and so on…..

top CEO blogs

also of interest:
HRM Health Check Sensible Metrics Make a Difference or Why Less Traffic is Better
Who is Responsible for your Benchmarks? The ComMetrics Ranking – the winners circle

  • Sandero

    Hi ComMetrics

    This sounds interesting and since we do a lot of measuring I was wondering when I can test-drive your tool.

    Please let us know here or on the blog. Thanks

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