Category for blog

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Choosing the right category for your blog is key. Only then can we offer you rankings that make sense. You want to compare yourself to blogs in the same category, apples with apples, oranges with oranges. So please give us the right information so we can help you better.

Whilst you may blog about work, your hobbies and the financial crisis, we suggest that you try to reflect on what most of your postings are about. Thereafter choose the category that you post about the most, i.e. 67 percent of the time or more!

This is a very important datapoint because based on what group your blog(s) belong to you will be ranked against these blogs. So please make sure you choose the category you find most appropriate for your blog to avoid comparing apples to oranges.

Help us follow the comparing apples to apples principle by choosing wisely from among the categories listed below:

1=business/finance (investor relations, financing, banking)
2=marketing/PR (customer relations, brand/product mgmt)

3=metrics/analytics (SEO, Social Media measures/tracking)
4=legal (ownership issues, privacy/confidentiality)
5=tech (soft-/hardware, production, how-to, telco)

6=HRM (recruiting, organisational behavior, human capital)
7=strategy (who we are, engineering, reports)
8=infosec/risk mgmt (threats, resilience, dependability)

9=entertainment (games, ♫, video, toys, fine arts)
10=info (tools, employees/suppliers, test results, tech)
11=economics (research, issues, business advice, trends)

12=e-gov (agencies, schools, ministries/departments)
13=travel & leisure (accomodations, transport, attractions)
14=politics (political commentary, news, analysis)

15=news (commentary/review, happenings, politics)
16=religion (general discussion, opinions, comparative)
17=food & drink (reviews, insider info, cookery, health)

18=R&D (trends, labs, innovation, process control)
19=health (disease prevention/treatment, healthy lifestyles)
20=ethics (corp. responsibility, greed, community relations)

21=government affairs (legislation, elections, constitution)
22=e-comm (online auctions/products/services)
23=product info (ideas, customer feedback, services)

24=fashion (clothing/accessories, skincare/cosmetics)
25=sports (team & individual, amateur & professional)
26=science (basic and applied, research findings)

Start watching your blog’s metrics – trends are key. And remember, choose the category that best describes your blog’s mission and describes at least 67 percent of your posts.