ComMetrics LinkLove Check

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Image - ComMetrics Health Check logo - of which the ComMetrics LinkLove check is part of.ComMetrics Blog Impact index: a composite index based on several mezo indices including the ComMetrics Health Check. The latter is a composite index made up of the:

=> Service check, InfoSharing check, Value checkLinkLove check (you are here) and the Trust check indices.

The LinkLove Check (you are here) addresses issues regarding the adding beef to one’s content by providing links to the original material (e.g., research papers)  for the reader to get additional material easily.  Below we explain the questions and scoring in more detail.

Check out the tool – register for free and track your blog’s performance:  My.ComMetrics

Indicators scored
This section has two questions which are:

11) Links refer the reader to the original source – give credit to original author.

    0 = other
    1 = very bad –  maybe mentions a secondary source without giving a link … (e.g., recently the NYT had an article….)
    2 = average – discusses material and refers to links to original in-depth report less than 50% of the time but more likely to such as a summary on Reuters, NYT, Wall Street Journal or other blogs
    3 = very good – links to original source more than 67% of the time (e.g., ‘real’ research paper – pdf – from university – not a 10 page white paper that is  just a slightly disguised marketing pitch)
    9 = missing data – reasons as no sufficient data found on blog or data not entered yet

12) Providing links where they can help without obviously worrying about possibly boosting the target site’s search engine ranking:

    0 = other
    1 = very bad – < 67% of blog posts do contain at least 1 deep link to material hosted on other domains including blogs or webpages
    2 = average – < 67% of blog posts have at least 3  deep links to other domains for additional material
    3 = very good – <67% of blog posts have 6 or more  deep links to other content on the blog, company web site, other blogs or to a resource site (e.g., Statistics Canada data used as resource for blog post)
    9 = missing data – reasons as no sufficient data found on blog or data not entered yet

The maximum score to be obtained is six points while the minimum score is zero.

What is your take, what worked for you? Please share your thoughts with a comment below!

Watch the video for this post:  Coming soon.