ComMetrics Health Check

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Image - ComMetrics Health Check logo - of which the ComMetrics Value check is part of.ComMetrics Blog Impact index: a composite index based on several mezo indices including the ComMetrics Health Check. The latter is a composite index made up of five sub-sections:

=> Service check, InfoSharing check, Value checkLinkLove check and the Trust check indices.

The above five sub-sections are each being scored, whereby your blog can achieve a maximum raw score of 51 points and 0 point as the minimum score.

Check out the tool – register for free and track your blog’s performance:  My.ComMetrics

What is left?
We take the above scores and perform some calculations with it. If you are interested in knowing how this works, click on this link and read about the details:

how are raw data processed

As you read this post, we might have come up with some additional indices in the meantime. These help us in better benchmarking and ranking social media efforts. As you will agree, popularity of a blog or website is not a comprehensive measure.

Find out more about these additional benchmark indicators we use for ranking blogs, website and social media efforts here:

what indicators are used to rank

What is your take, what worked for you? Please share your thoughts with a comment below!

Watch the video for this post:  Coming soon.

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You can find more details about the the  Methodology regarding — Composite indicatorsHow raw data are normalizedHow rankings are calculatedWhat about missing values?, Trend time seriesWeighting) AND — ComMetrics rankings (Method behind the numbers) using the links provided.

PS.  The ComMetrics Health Check is part of the ComMetrics Blog Impact index: a composite index based on several mezo indices including:  ComMetrics Footprint how big an impression your blog leaves on the Internet, AND the ComMetrics Resonance Check assessing such as, consistency, conversation and so forth.